Crestron Flex Advanced Tabletop Large Room Video Conference System for Microsoft Teams® Rooms
The UC-MX70-T system provides a complete video conference room solution for use with the Microsoft Teams Rooms intelligent communications platform. It supports single or dual video displays, and features the Crestron Flex tabletop conference device, UC Bracket Assembly with UC-ENGINE, AVer® CAM520 PRO enterprise-grade camera, mic pod, cables, and power supply.
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Podrobnosti o produktu
Crestron Flex Advanced Tabletop Large Room Video Conference System for Microsoft Teams® Rooms
The UC-MX70-T system provides a complete video conference room solution for use with the Microsoft Teams Rooms intelligent communications platform. It supports single or dual video displays, and features the Crestron Flex tabletop conference device, UC Bracket Assembly with UC-ENGINE, AVer® CAM520 PRO enterprise-grade camera, mic pod, cables, and power supply.
Dotazy k produktu rád zodpoví:
Ivan Trachta, +420 602 180 597,
Stránky o produktu: